Tencent Music’s service mesh practice with Istio and Aeraki(Istio + Aeraki 在腾讯音乐的服务网格落地)

Apr-26 03:20 UTC

Language: Chinese

This session will introduce Tencent music’s service mesh practice with Istio and Aeraki. Including:

  • How to extend Istio with Aeraki to manage the traffic of proprietary protocols
  • Deep dive into Aeraki and MetaProtcol Proxy
  • How Tencent Music leverage Istio and Aeraki to build a fully functional service mesh, managing both the HTTP and proprietary protocols

本场分享将介绍腾讯音乐使用 Istio + Aeraki 的服务网格落地实践,主要包含下述内容:

  • 如何利用 Aeraki 来扩展 Istio 的协议扩展能力
  • Aeraki 和 MetaProtocol Proxy 的原理介绍
  • 腾讯音乐如何使用 Istio + Aeraki 来构建一个管理 HTTP 和私有协议的全功能服务网格
